Walking away from relationship you have committed to can be hard, but getting back to dating and finding new love is sometimes even harder. Our team is committed to supporting your choices.
February 16, 2024When true love calls, it transcends borders, boundaries, and geographies. Expanding the horizon of your search and not being limited to familiarity can lead you to the most wonderful, unimaginably incredible possibilities. So welcome the unfamiliar, and let the fate take over.
January 28, 2024Are love and friendship enough to sustain a marriage?
January 15, 2024A matchmaking experience that moves with the times. That’s us! We meld the needs of modern-day individuals into the traditional belief system and values that hold a marriage. #VFETeamSpeaks past traditions with modern beliefs & practicality.
January 4, 2024Live-in, together? While two people can get a holistic sense of each other, there’s more than just the good, bad, could-be-better or for worse. Here’s my two cents on the hallmark living situation of modern-day relationships.
June 28, 2023A healthy marriage should not be about compromise. And yet it’s not about keeping score of how many steps the other took either. It’s fairly simple, give each other the space to blossom and let the magic unfold!
June 20, 2023As women, we have the option to take a break from work and take a sabbatical as we please, but in this era of equality, do we extend the same privileges to men.
June 15, 2023It's simple, your heart will tell you. All you have to do is listen and trust. Marriage is a leap of faith no matter how little or how long you have known each other.
May 15, 2023Trust is a function of time. Give each other that time! Nothing meaningful is built overnight.
May 14, 2023There is no such thing as work-life balance. There is life. The balance is within you!
May 10, 2023Dance like no one is watching and love like you have never been hurt before, because love is worth it. Everyone has someone out there, who is their forever person!
April 16, 2023Let your daughter create her own timelines, Without pressure! ♥️
April 16, 2023Our Founder CEO Ms. Anuradha Gupta shares her views on Arranged Marriages vs Arranged Introductions.
March 13, 2023In this episode, the VFE team talks about how our children learn so much from who we are and our relationships reflect on the relationships they will grow to have. This episode discusses how we can help future generations enjoy healthy relationships.
November 1, 2022Heart to Heart: Team Speaks is a journey inwards, where we as the VFE team talk about everything we hope our members talk about in their relationships. In this episode, we discuss equality in relationships, how things have changed from relationships past and what we can do as men and women to change and adapt to what marriage and its complexities bring in an ever changing world.
October 10, 2022Relationships have changed over the time, nowadays men and women are looking for a partner to make a strong team together, while they both grow. Our CEO and Founder, Anuradha Gupta, talks to Sonia Sethi about how matchmaking has evolved over the time. Have a listen.
April 21, 2022There is a lot that two people want from each other, the roles have expanded and that is what people look for in their soulmates. Listen in to what our CEO and Founder, Anuradha Gupta, has to say to Sonia Sethi about people and their checklists for soulmates.
April 21, 2022There's no definition of a perfect marriage, but for our CEO and founder, Anuradha Gupta, one thing that makes her marriage perfect is the fact that she wouldn't want to change the person she is with. Listen to her conversation with Sonia Sethi.
April 21, 2022The Vows for Eternity, are the promises we make to take our journeys forward. Each of our panelists has their own special journey or are looking for one to begin. Watch them discuss how they feel about promises made and broken, some new, some old and some that have been changed to suit their modern marriages
April 21, 2022Being married several years, the panel discusses the pillars of marriage and what they hope their children have imbibed and learnt from their journeys.
April 21, 2022Ambika Anand talks to the panel about what we look for in a life partner. Are our expectations from our partners realistic and what does it take to keep a marriage fulfilling and happy over a period of time.
April 21, 2022Ambika Anand talks to the panel about Love and Arranged marriages and the nuances that each brings to a fulfilling relationship.
April 21, 2022Every culture and religion comes with its own vows but ultimately we need to promise love and growth to each relationship and then have the ability to cherish what we have and will become in years to come.
April 21, 2022Is there any way to know who is best suited for you? Here are Anuradha's thoughts, on marriage being that ultimate leap of faith.
April 21, 2022When looking for the right person to become your life partner, what are some of the things we should focus on. At Vows for Eternity we believe in connecting individuals. Here's more.
April 21, 2022Every relationship needs something that helps it move forward, grow and yet balance itself. Trust, Love, Friendship and Respect keep our relationship steady and give us unshakeable belief in each other when we need it most.
April 21, 2022