The Recipe for Lasting Love: What makes a happy marriage?

Throughout our lives, we have been swept away by the appeal of love stories spun on screens big
and small, each painting a vivid picture of a much-anticipated wedding. The big day is grand,
and holds thousands of memories of the cinematic I do’s, where childhood dreams unfurl in
dramatic fashion. From the little girl draped in her mother’s makeup and lehenga, envisioning
her fairy-tale moment, to the boy dreaming of his future family, marriage goes beyond mere
A healthy marriage is a product of love and effort that must be moulded, kneaded, and
constantly shaped and reshaped as you grow together. More than the grand gestures, it’s the
little things—the stolen kisses, the inside jokes, the late-night conversations, and the silent
morning routines that you find comfort in.
Sure, a trip to Seychelles or a marathon of romcoms might sprinkle some magic, but real
happiness? Thats found in everyday moments and mundane routines. So, what holds a
marriage together? While there can be many debates on what makes a marriage work, a few
fundamentals have proven to last the test of time –

1. Let Trust Guide The Way

In a thriving marriage, trust and respect stand tall as the pillars of strength. Trust allows you to
be open, to share your dreams and fears without fear of judgment. Respect, on the other hand,
acknowledges your partners uniqueness, aspirations, and perspectives, even when they differ
from your own. Its the assurance that even if your paths momentarily diverge, you'll always find
your way back to each other.

2. Communicate beyond words

Communication is more than just words; its about truly listening to understand. It goes beyond
words, and you must learn how to decipher nonverbal cues and understand each others subtle
signals. Sometimes, a simple gesture speaks louder than a thousand words. Remember those
moments when a warm embrace or a thoughtful gesture from a loved one spoke volumes? Or
when a parent silently slid us a plate of chopped fruits after a fight? Its those little acts of love
that truly deepen our connections, and turn into lasting memories.
Of course, verbalizing our feelings is important too, but its essential to recognise that we all
come from different backgrounds and experiences, shaping how we express ourselves. So,
approach those difficult conversations with empathy and a willingness to find common ground.
After all, its not just about what we say; its about how we say it and how willing we are to listen.

3. Build a Happy Home

Friendship is the heartbeat of any relationship, infusing it with joy, comfort, and mutual respect.
A happy home resonates with laughter and warmth, where every member feels valued and
cherished. Shared interests, whether in travel, social causes, or family values, provide a common
thread that weaves unity and purpose into the marriage. While these shared values provide a
sturdy foundation, its your individuality that adds value and richness. Make your home a safe
space, where both partners have the fundamental freedom to be themselves—a judgment-free
zone where vulnerability is welcomed and celebrated. Regularly try to find time to indulge in
shared hobbies and interests, as these moments often hold the most magic.

4. Be Committed to Growth

Marriages are dynamic entities, constantly evolving alongside the individuals within them. Be
willing to evolve together, to support each others dreams, and to challenge each other to be the
best versions of yourselves. Dont shy away from seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor
if necessary; its a proactive step toward nurturing your relationship. Remember, growth often
requires stepping out of your comfort zone, but the rewards are always worth it.
The key takeaway? Happy marriages don’t come in ready-made packages that you just pick off
the shelves. They are tailor-made, crafted with care and commitment. ​​Even the most
enviable #couplegoals relationships experience highs and lows, and thats perfectly natural.
Marriage is messy and imperfect, but with the right companion, its profoundly rewarding.
There will be off-notes, but with enough love and intention, you will figure out how to
strengthen your marriage, and navigate through the life you have built together.